Thanks to EVERYONE'S advice, I felt so encouraged and felt like I could conquer the world. So, thanks to all my wonderful friends. Isn't the world wide web fantastic? :)
I took several people's advice and spent a while pumping. This was great for me because it gave me a little break from being frustrated and it allowed me to get my milk
supply up because I was doing it every 2 hours. On top of that, I started taking a Fenugreek seed supplement which has really been helping. I've only taken it for 2 days or so and so far I can see that my milk is increasing. Not to mention that it makes me smell like maple syrup! Not even kidding. My armpits smell like pancakes. Ha.
Makes me hungry while I'm on this detox diet. I'm on day 4 so far, and it was really hard at first but has gotten easier. We are eating really healthy and are feeling the good effects. More energy and things like that. I have the occasional, "get me taco bell now or I will bite your head off" craving... but those are rare. Only about 5 times a day. Just kidding. I do
love me some Taco Bell.
Little buddy is doing awesome. He is 6 weeks and is growing like a weed. He is sooo long and is just now starting to show signs of some chunkiness. I can see the beginnings of some leg rolls. Love it!! He is also getting really good at entertaining himself during the day. As long as he's fed and his diaper is changed, we can leave him to play and he talks to himself and smiles. It's really cute! He is also SO good at putting himself to sleep. At night, we have a routine and you can tell that he knows that it's bed time. We turn off the lights, feed him, swaddle
him and just lay him down. He might grunt a little but then he just falls asleep without any help from us. We feel so blessed that we aren't having to rock him or bounce him up and down for an hour. He's a really awesome baby.
By the way, this kid's smile kills me. Oh my goodness, it is perfect. He recognizes me. I will walk over to him and he will see my face and immediately smile. It's so great knowing that he knows who I am. I mean, how do you not just melt when you see this?

He will have his 8 week appointment here in a couple weeks. I'm excited to see how much he's grown.
We are loving live here in Georgia more than ever. We are getting more and more involved in our church and getting to know more and more great people. Will's job is going great and he has some other endeavors that he's about to take on.
We can't wait to get out of apartment living, so it's good motivation for us. We are hoping to buy a house in August. We want it to be a house we can stay in for at least 10 years, so we are going to be super picky about it. It will be weird to have to think so much in the future, in terms of kids and what not while we are looking. Plus, I want to homeschool so it will have to fit those needs as well. We are debt free now, and we are praying for God to help us stay debt free. We know that God wants us to be debt free and honors it when we ask for His help. So, our huge goal is to never be in debt again. Even on a house. God works miracles, why not ask for them! AND we are HIS children. So, that's our prayer for this year and all years to come. We can't imagine how flexible it will be able to make us and how available we would be for God if we were debt free for the rest of our lives.
Anyway, that's where we're headed! Excited to see where He guides us!
Awesome Laura!