Friday, July 9, 2010

Life, CD, and Baby

Sorry it's been a while since my last blog. Things have been Cr-AZY... (to say the least). But in an oh-so-good way!! I can't even describe how good life is and how awesome and faithful the Lord is. I know this is going to KILL most of you, but I will have to hold off explaining what's going on in our life for another week or so. Only because, by that time, we will know. Right now things are a little up in the air... but it's totally good and so of the Lord.

I can't believe how much we will be going through in ONE year. Basically all the things that they say are huge stress makers for people, we won't just be doing once or twice, but possibly 3 times. Not to mention having a baby before the end of the year to top it off. Amazingly, there has been so much grace and favor on all of it that we haven't yet completely felt stressed. Although hard, not stressed (if that even makes sense). It's put us on a dependence of the Lord like we've never had before.

So, to catch people up.... Will's CD is done. Finito. If you know us, you know that this is a huge deal!!! He has been working on this for so long. Actually, the first song that he wrote for this CD, he wrote at the Call (which was the time that we became officially a couple). That was a while ago. God has really been moving in this CD and it's so cool to see! Every single song is birthed from the Lord...directly from His heart. It is something we will be able to cherish forever because of how much the Lord taught us through it. I even sing on a few songs, which was fun.
To hear some of the songs, go to and check them out. It should be up soon on ITunes.
I AM SO PROUD OF MY HUSBAND. He did this ENTIRE CD himself. ALL the instrumental parts, ALL the songwriting, ALL the recording, ALL the mixing/mastering, the artwork. I mean ALL of it. Ha ha. I am so impressed by his gifts and I know the Lord is so pleased.

What else? We pick up Will's mom tomorrow... she'll be hanging out with us for a few days, which will be fun. Not much to do here in Louisiana, but I'm sure we'll find something to entertain us. :)

As for the little man... I can tell he's growing like crazy. I feel his kicks most of the day... not just randomly anymore. It is the cutest thing ever. My stomach gets bigger and bigger too :) I know I'm 18 weeks (almost 19 in about a day or so) and I still haven't done my walk to 40 weeks. Woops. Looks like I may have to do every 4 weeks or so. Time is just going by so fast... I can't believe I'm almost halfway through. So, sorry I'm slacking on the belly pics :)
As for new news with the pregnancy... I've had my first heartburn I've ever had in my life. It happens quite a big actually. They say that it's tied to the hormone of hair growth... that women who have heartburn will usually have babies with more hair. I sure hope so... how cute would that be? I've also been having awful ligament pains... like sharp pains every once in a while. I guess because everything is growing. And I've been having major heart palpitations, which I hear are normal too. I have learned that all of those silly myths about having a boy and a girl are just stupid. I have had the opposite of all of them. The baby had a heart rate over 140 the whole time (which they say is a girl). I have only wanted to eat fruit, no meat (which they also say is girl). And a bunch of other crazy ones. I think it's funny.
We are so blessed to have such a healthy baby so far. We heard the heart beat nice and strong super early on. We found out that he was a boy with no questions. He moves like a maniac in there. We are proud of him, lol.

Anywho... that's about all I can update for now because I am getting stressed out with Will's CD blaring in the background (for full effect) :) and Gibson biting me to play with him. Time to go.

Until next time....

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