I'm not really sure what "stylish" blogger means... but I'll take it.
Here's the rules...
1. thank and link back to the person who awarded you
2. share 7 things about yourself
3. pass award on to bloggers you think are fantastic
4. contact those bloggers and tell them about the award
So, Here we go. 7 things about me.
1. I am a new mom to a sweet little guy. I endured the most torture in my life by going through natural childbirth with him... but MAN am I glad I did. Read all about that story HERE ;) Here's little Micaiah Gabriel
2. I am a research junkie. I am ALWAYS researching. I won't buy something unless I research if it's worth it first. I'm mainly crazy about checking out health things and how to live life without medication and just living healthily.
Check out my Health Revolution Blog to see what I'm talkin' about www.lauradstern.com
3. Fun facts: In 2010, my husband and I moved cross country twice. The first move, I got the call from my doctor on our way that I was pregnant. The second move, I was 7 months pregnant. And I had the baby at the end of the year. In the midst of all this, my husband has had 3 different jobs, we've been a part of 4 different churches, and my grandma passed away. Talk about a stressful year. But also very blessed!
4. I am obsessed with indian and mexican food. I wish I could live in India and Mexico simultaneously just for the food. SOOO GOOD!!
5. My favorite stores? Ikea, Trader Joes, Forever 21 (online because the store overwhelms me), and H&M. Thanks to Atlanta, I can go to all of them. :)
6. I love photography. I've had to take a little break since having the baby, but it is one of my passions. Check it out HERE.
7. Funniest moment: My cousin Charlene and I were riding in my car in college. I lived in Florida at the time and it was raining buckets. Literally. If you've ever lived in Florida you know exactly what I'm talking about. It can be compared to driving under a waterfall. Anyway, my air conditioning decided to go out on this 100 degree humid day in my 1992 Toyota Celica. My brain didn't quite put two and two together and we just watched as the windshield started fogging up. I start laughing because I can't see anything and my cousin sticks her head out the passenger window to tell me where to go. She is getting soaked and telling me "left, right" and I am laughing hysterically. Funniest part (at the time)... I had no idea where I was going and couldn't see the road at all. Thank you God for keeping us safe! She pulls out a tampon to wipe the inside of the car and the windshield. She is the funniest person on the planet.
So, there ya go.
And now to pass on the award....
Ashley Poole - www.mommapoole.wordpress.com
Jess Stern - www.jessandthislovelylife.blogspot.com
Megan Brueseke - www.thebruesekefamily.blogspot.com
Amanda Lester - www.appleblue.org
Get going ladies!! Follow the rules above :)
love this. love getting to know more things about you. oh how i love and miss you! thanks for the sweet words... you are precious. and your baby? there are no words:)