WHEW! We finally had our first ultrasound. What a relief that is.
Official due date is December 8th.
You will be happy to know that our baby is perfect and just how it needs to be. It is measuring 0.8 cm (basically 1/4 of an inch).... sounds little, but it's huge to me. I was about a week ahead. We are actually 6 weeks and 5 days today, basically 7 weeks along. I knew I would be about 7 or 8 weeks. So, THIS week, the baby is actually a blueberry :)
What a surreal moment this was for Will and I though. I will remember it for the rest of my life. It was like a breath of fresh air when she saw the baby and said "here it is!" -- I could finally relax. She said at this point it's really hard to see the head and the rump difference... but it was still cute anyway. Just a peanut basically. She showed us the heart beating. We saw it visually with the screen and what a cool thing to see. A little tiny organ pumping perfectly. GOD IS SO COOL!!!! Then she had us listen to it. She found it right away and it was so clear. I was so overcome with emotions, I wanted to cry but knew if I moved it would be harder to find it again. I was just in awe. Will and I just kept smiling at each other. How is it possible to love a little life so much already? I keep saying to Will that it is so cute. I think our baby is soooooo cute!!
It was just so crazy for me to see something living in me like that. A separate heart was beating. That just seems so unreal.
The funny thing is that our friends Esther and Nate down here in Baton Rouge were at their doctor appointment at the same time as us finding out how far along they are. She is 7 weeks and 6 days. We are basically the same. It will be so fun to have someone to go through everything with!
Anyway, here is our little one. So cute!!!
I just know he/she is smiling at the camera :) haha. Just in case you don't know what you're looking at... the black space is my uterus, the little white peanut at the top of it is the baby, and the circle right next to it is the sac that it will live off of for the next 7 months. Amazing. We saw the heart beat right in the middle of it. She made it colored red so we could see it... it was beating just like any other heart. So adorable. Will recorded it (because he is a proud dad) haha. Here is our baby's heartbeat....
We went to LSU lakes today to celebrate after we saw the baby. It's a beautiful area where you can walk around the lake and sit on the dock. Will and I brought a picnic (and Gibson of course) and just hung out. Perfect day outside, too. We love our life here. God has so blessed us!!! Well, I think that's it for now. Just had to share the good news. Don't forget to vote on if we're having a boy or a girl on the side of the blog ;)
Will's dad is SURE it's a boy haha.
Oh and ONE more thing!!! So, I told the lady that did my ultrasound that I had PCOS. She said, "you don't look like a typical PCOSer" (I get that a lot). Then when she did the ultrasound, she said "you don't have PCOS"! I knew it!! God healed me!! About a year and a half ago, I had an ultrasound done to look at my ovaries and they were definitely polycystic. I saw them and everything... basically the first lady told me I would have a hard time getting pregnant. Yesterday, I saw them again and nothing. Everything looked great! God is soo good and I just wanted to share the good news. The lady was floored. :)
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