We find out on July 12th if it is a boy or a girl. We thought we'd get to find out earlier, but the doctor is just adding our next prenatal appointment in with the ultrasound. Bummer. Oh well. The baby will be about 19 weeks then, so we are HOPING we will be able to see one way or another. We just can't wait to find out.
My guess, if I had to have one, would be that it's a boy. But... who knows. It's not that I really think that... you just have to have a guess!!
As for me, I am doing well. Feeling great actually. ALL I eat is fruit. Will has to make me eat other things otherwise I faint (which I actually did). Literally, all I have been eating are peaches and blackberries. All. Day. Every. Day. Now I know what people are talking about when they say that they have cravings. I've figured out what mine are. Give me fruit and I'm a happy girl.
I know I've been slacking on the belly pics. I'm trying to do them every 3 weeks, but I'm not even doing that. I promise I will put one up this week. Will and I have a good idea that we are going to start doing with them... so you will have to wait and see :)
We also have some video that I will put up later this week. We bought a Flip Video Camera (we LOVE it) and we have been trying to document little family things. Yesterday we put the crib together and started to put the room together. So, I will put those videos up later this week as well.
Sorry to leave ya hangin ;)
Here's an update on our little growing champ...

Think again. Oh yes I can. I've got a little butterfly in there. I keep telling Will that I am almost positive that our child will be born with wings. Ha ha.
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