- This weekend : On Saturday we decided to venture out and take a trip to Stone Mountain, GA. It is apparently the biggest tourist attraction in the state so we had to check it out. It is the largest piece of exposed granite in the world. It was about a mile and a half hike up a mountain that was a half a mile high. It was pretty tough! And this comes from a girl that hiked a 13,000 ft mountain in Colorado while wearing a 40 pound pack. It was shorter than that, obviously, but it was steep! At the end you have to hold on to these railings because it's so steep. Poor Will has Cai strapped to his chest the whole time. But, getting to the top was awesome and such a cool sight. You could see everything... even the city in the distance. We rode the sky ride down... because Cai was miserable, and heck, we were exhausted! It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun. Besides the fact that I put sunblock on Cai for the first time and somehow it got in his eyes and for the rest of the day he was miserable. I am not kidding, I've never seen him like this. Barely smiled all day, didn't want to open his eyes much, eyes teary, crying.... ugh it was SO sad. If you know him, you know that he is allllways happy. Especially when we are out and about. Poor thing!! I felt awful. We have a lot of pictures with extra red and watery eyes. He feels better now. Here's some pics from the day...
Those poor little eyes...
Here I am at the top....
At the top...
This was about halfway up...
There's a smile...
When we first got there...
- Mother's Day : I woke up to breakfast in bed at 7:30 am by my sweet husband. He is the best. He then took care of Cai the entire church service for me. We went to Moe's, of course, where I enjoyed a free meal (and our friends Kevin and Rachel happened to be there so we ate with them). Then, I came home and napped while Will watched Cai. Then, when I got up, he surprised me and told me that the babysitter was here (our friend Amanda). I looked around the apartment and saw that it was spotless. He had cleaned the whole thing, including putting all the laundry away, while I was asleep. He took me to a movie and I didn't know what it was until it started. We saw Soul Surfer (which was really good, by the way. Highly recommend). I am SOOOO incredibly appreciative of William. Love him.
- Micaiah : This little man has grown up in the past 2 weeks. He is rolling... a lot. From back to stomach and from stomach to back. He's pushing up on his hands with his arms fully extended. So cute. He just started sitting up a little bit last week. He can sit up for about 3 minutes by himself and then after that he needs a little help. He is talking up a storm and responding to what we say. If I say, "where's dada?" he looks around and smiles when he sees Will. He has been teething the past couple months and it finally broke through. There were a rough couple of weeks for all of us. Poor guy couldn't sleep... it was sad. He officially has one tooth through the gum line and another is coming in, so we will start the process over :) I got a Johnny Jump Up from Goodwill a couple weeks for him and he is in love. He is just now learning how to use his legs to jump. For a while he just tapped one foot on the ground. It was funny. We took him to the doctor for his 4 month checkup, which was really his 5 month because I forgot to take him, and he is 73rd percentile in height, 41st in weight, and 63rd in head circ. Basically, pretty normal.... just like me and Will. Don't know where he got the height from?? Maybe some of his uncles :) We also started introducing some foods to him. He's not too interested yet... but he's getting there. Here's some recent pics of my boy...

His hair has lightened up so much!
ReplyDeleteHe seriously just gets more and more beautiful :)