I found my old blog. It made me want to cry... a good kind of cry. It's amazing how much you can go through in just 3 short years and how much your life can change. Sheesh! God taught me SO much, that it's even hard to write it all out. Not even just natural things, that I'm now a wife, a mom, living in a state I wouldn't think I'd live in, going to a different church, etc BUT also spiritually. I was reading my old blog (that I had completely forgotten about, by the way) and just smiling with tears in my eyes.
Oh how often I forget... God is just plain GOOD!
Just even a year ago I was in one of the worst situations that I have ever gone through in life, and God so encouraged me and talked to me through the whole thing and brought me out as soon as he could. Louisiana was one of the worst seasons of my life. Whether we made a mistake and didn't hear God correctly, or if God wanted us to move there for a reason... all I know now is that He TRULY does turn things around for good for those who love him. He is faithful!
Anyway, I will probably be posting some of my old posts because I really enjoyed learning from myself. Does that sound arrogant? Well, shoot, who cares! Ha. I loved reading what God was teaching be a couple years ago. How cool that I can look back and learn from what God did in me? It's crazy how quick my little human mind can forget the things He teaches me. Can't wait to get me a brand spankin new heavenly mind. Bring it on, Jesus!
If you want to check it out, you can. Read through all the craziness of my life pre-marriage haha. I even put the list up of what I wanted in a future husband and how Will fit that description perfectly. Pretty funny.
That's so cool! It really is amazing how much we can grow and our lives can change in just a few short years. Beautiful, inspiring post.