You HAVE to watch this. It is a little long, but it's worth it. After watching it, you will want to go out and pray over everyone... I feel so much encouragement and confidence just from watching it.
This is our friend Drew. He is actually our connection with moving here. We met him a while back in St. Louis when he came to our church. He travels with Kim Walker and plays on her band. When we decided to check out Bethel Atlanta, we contacted Kim and she suggested that we talk to Drew. So, we went that weekend and saw Drew at church and immediately felt at home.
This is just one testimony of the miraculous things that God is doing at this church and in this city. Seriously, my faith is being lifted and tested by being at this church. Like, why do I EVER put God in a box? If He truly is who He says He is... who am I to not be comfortable with a particular aspect of who God is? If I say that I believe all He does and I believe who He says He is... then I better not keep my faith small!! God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He doesn't change. He is the same God who healed people's blindness, who called demons out of people, who healed lepers. If I have God IN me... I need to have the faith and authority to also call people out of darkness into freedom. This is probably the biggest thing we are learning at this church. We are SO thankful we are here.
This video really pulled on mine and Will's hearts. There is a guy in our apartment building that we literally run into every day. We don't run into anyone else that much. It's obvious that God is wanting us to get to know him. We even run into him at groceries stores for goodness sake! Anyway, he is in a wheelchair and paralyzed. He's just a normal guy... probably about Will's age. He got in a motorcycle accident and ended up not being able to use his legs from there on out. He has his friends carry him and put him in the car. He has to have friends drive him around. He always tells us how hard it is for him to do normal things during the day... because he can't reach for anything. It's obvious that this guy has a tough exterior, but we are slowly getting to know him...and, because of Jesus, I know that he is attracted to getting to know us (whether he realizes it or not). Honestly, Will and I haven't had the courage to pray over him. It is the most intimidating thing ever to walk up to someone who obviously doesn't know the Lord and randomly pray over him and declare healing. But, I'm realizing... who am I to judge if he wants us to pray over him or not? Maybe he had a strong encounter with God in the past and is feeling alone now. Maybe he feels like God left him. We don't know what he's been through. It is GOD'S timing to do what he wants to do.
We just ask that you be praying for us... that we have the complete and pure faith to walk into praying healing and freedom over this guy. We also ask that you start praying for him and interceding over his life with us. His name is Darryl. We want to see a miraculous healing, and we are not going to settle for anything less. God is the healer. If He really is who He says He is... I need to believe it and not ASK God for healing... but declare healing over Darryl.
Please be backing us up and praying whenever you think of it for this man. We know that God's plan for him is to get him out of that wheelchair!!
I'm so glad I watched this video. We love our church and are so thankful for a place that walks in supernatural healing like they do. They are not afraid to declare God's power... and, because of it, testimony after testimony of God's healing is constantly released.
Hey Laura-
ReplyDeleteJust keeping up with your blog, and so excited for you and your family, and the wee little baby you are growing inside of you. That is wonderful. Anyways, I'm not sure if you know I am going to school to be a rehabilitation counselor (i.e. my job will primarily be with wheel chair users). I wanted to help maybe clarify a few things just in case you were not up to speed on the "PC" ways. It's person first language. Instead of saying he is IN a wheelchair, he is a man who uses a wheelchair. It sounds a lot better than IN, which brings about the notion of confinement.
Also, I have read numerous research articles through the Master's program already that strongly discourage doing things that you are considering. I am not saying what is right or wrong, and you know I am a Christian. However, I just think you really need to think before you do this. People who use wheelchairs daily have to feel that they are a "spectacle", something "imperfect" that needs "fixing". Rather than "healing" (which is what the medical model of disability explains), how about nurturing, pursuing a friendship, and just introducing this man to God the Father? I know that it's our natural tendency to want to fix everything as humans, and especially women...but did you ever think he does not want to be fixed? This is basically saying, "Let me do this, so we don't have more people around like you". I have some great readings if you're interested, just wanted to give you a heads up.. Be cautious with what seems so helpful for you, because it may psychologically be damaging to that person who experiences these things daily.
Ok--enough venting this is just close to my heart as well. Embrace him, invite him over, find out what his life is all about. :-)