We got there right at about 6 and went to drop off Gibson at my sister's apartment. It was so awesome to not have to worry about him all weekend. We went straight to the Stern's to have a family dinner. We hung out and played games. It was so fun to see everyone again. Then, on Saturday, we took some pictures of my brother and sister in law and their sweet little family. It was SO much fun seeing the girls again. I love them so much and they are growing up incredibly fast. Jadyn especially was weird to see because when we left she was barely talking and still looked like a baby. Now she's miss chatterbox and with a whole personality of her own. It was so cute!! Jess and I took a belly pic of the two cousins together. She is having another precious little girl. It's strange to think that these two will grow up together and know each other for their whole lives.

After the shoot, Will and I headed over to hang out with my sister Kate and my parents (who were in town). My other sister and her husband were supposed to be in town at this point but they ended up driving an hour out of the way, during that hour they got a flat tire. While they were changing the tire, their battery died on the car (all at night). So, they headed back home and ended up getting in STL Saturday night. I felt so bad! Talk about a funny memory. :)
It was sooo much fun to hang with my family. We went out to lunch, got some stuff for the shower, and then went back to Kate's to take a nap. I love that about my family. They are so easy going and you can just crash if you want to. Saturday night we went to Destiny for church and got to catch up with TONS of people. It was cool to be back and worship with family. After that, of course, Will and I HAD to get Lion's Choice (one of our favorite places to eat in STL). So his family came with us and we all had some good laughs (and good food).
The next day was the busy one. We got up for early service at church and my family met up with us. We went out to get BBQ with my fam afterwards which was fun. We went straight to the shower after that and I was amazed at how much people did for us. We had friends and family there setting up and making food. It was awesome!! We felt SO loved the whole day. Once people started showing up, it was non-stop catching up, talking, opening presents for the next 3 or 4 hours. I have seriously never been more exhausted or overwhelmed in my life. It wasn't a bad thing... it was just that my prego body doesn't have as much energy. Will and I ended up losing our voices a little. There were probably about 60 people that showed up (well, 60 invites... so including all the husbands and kids, there were a LOT)... all people that we haven't seen in a long time. So, I was so eager to catch up with each person. The sad part was that it was impossible to completely catch up with each person. So, it was mainly quick conversations. I found myself getting so overwhelmed, and I really had to use the bathroom. It took me about an hour to get to the bathroom :) My friend Stacie was my body guard and made sure I made it, uninterrupted, to the bathrooom and to get some water and food. Ha ha. I loved it though and I am so excited that I got to see everyone. We feel SOOO loved and blessed by all these awesome relationships. We couldn't believe how adored our son already is :)
Here's some pics of the shower...(the pics were taken with my point and shoot and I forgot to turn the flash on for my sister who was shooting the pics. So, there's a lot of flat lighting, which I hate. But, oh well) :)
My Mom and Dad :) :)

We got so many great gifts and got to see so many great faces!! Thank you so much to all of those who came to our shower or helped out in any way. You are truly a blessing in our lives.
We can officially say that we have everything we "need" which is nice!! There are a few things on our list of "would really like, but we don't need" that we will get eventually. We feel so relieved that this baby could come today and we would be prepared. Well, once I get his little room all organized :) I'm in the process of washing all his clothes and sheets and everything so that I can start putting things where they need to go. Little man has so many things!! We also got ALL of the cloth diapers we wanted to get. That is a huge relief because we really didn't want to have to worry about buying them last minute.
Anyway, we are truly feeling like we are in the home stretch of this pregnancy and it's crazy to think that he will be here in about 10 weeks. WOW. Still so much to do, but I'm realizing that the baby doesn't need a perfectly decorated room. He doesn't care :) haha.
Perfect weekend in STL and now I'm having fun going through it all!!
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